Monday, 9 May 2011

Portal 2

Firstly i'm going to start of by saying i haven't played Portal 2 yet but i am considering it.

Ok so there is obviously a lot of talk about Portal 2 and people asking if it is as good as the original and a lot of debate of why, from what i have heard the game is good and when looking at trailers and in-game footage reviews it really didn't look too bad. However recently a few people have been saying to me that its not all that its been made out to be. Now i'm not sure if thats just because Portal 1 set such high standards for them to make a new one and i can understand if its not as great, the main problem i face is will the price drop at all and what all you guys think about the game if you have played it.

Would really appreciate any feedback from any of you that have it and even if you don't maybe what have you heard about it :)


  1. I also haven't played Portal 2. I really want to though. Hopefully it is better than the original Portal, although the original Portal was a fantastic game.

  2. Haven't played it yet but really want to!

  3. Good topic, I'll make sure to come back and visit.

    I finished the Portal 2 single player, still working on multi.

    Portal 1 had an awesome new mechanic, so that was part of the "cool". Portal 2 doesn't have that luxury, people already know what to expect from the game mechanics. Valve did add a bit (gels)...but it's the story dialogue that I really enjoyed. With the free downloadable content I understand is coming, I'd say to buy it at full price if you can.

    I only go after about 3-4 full price games a year. This is one of them.

  4. It was worth the money, IMO. People were sore about the game being short (although with separate puzzles/story for co-op and single player, it's a fair length) and the ARG beforehand. You won't get as many hours out of it as you would an in depth RPG like Baldur's Gate 2 or Fallout, but games shouldn't be judged by their length alone. The game-play, characters and soundtrack are awesome.

  5. I haven't played it yet but sounds good.

  6. It's a good buy! I'd recommend getting it

  7. It is a spectacular game. Kinda short, but well worth it!

  8. As CPH says, it's 'tres spectacule'

  9. lol same here, haven't played portal 2 either but seriously considering doing so, at least try it out.

  10. Single Player is pretty fun.

    Coop is short and have few challenging maps

  11. Buy it.
    Apparelntly it was good enough ro my friends to talk to me about it for 2 weeks straight.

  12. I have played and, believe me, it is AMAZING!

  13. really is an awesome game

  14. You have to play it, it's totally worth it, and in the end you will be all smiley xD

  15. Its definitely worth it, You enjoy playing it with your friends and on your own, so its definitely worth a try

  16. It is a spectacular game, definitely a MUST

  17. I might get this for the PS3...

  18. well realy alot talk about this portal2 thing

  19. i bought the orange box over 2 years ago and still haven't played it. not much chance of me playing portal 2 then lol

  20. I'm in the same boat, man - gonna get Portal as soon as I can afford it!

  21. portal 2 is a great follow up to portal 1 the story is decent but the game could have been longer its only 5-6 hrs of gameplay maybe other than that its a good game just dont play co-op with a gf you'll want to punch her in the mouth
